Helen Chance, Daniel Pinchbeck & Ross Parsons in Seattle

Daniel Pinchbeck writes about synchronicity and other psychedelic utopian topics. He and Andras have all kinds of history.

Daniel joined Radio8Ball via Skype at Theater Off Jackson to ask his question, though exactly what it was, we can’t recall. No doubt it was a good one. Helen Chance played some great songs and comedian Ross Parsons offered his dour insights. We had us a swell time.

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The Dutchess and The Duke, Andy Dick & Emmett Montgomery in Seattle, Wa

Just before breaking up as The Dutchess and The Duke, Jesse Lortz and Kimberly Morrison stopped in to Theater Off Jackson as the Radio8Ball musical guest with Andy Dick Skypeing in from someplace strange and Emmett Montgomery keeping things surreal.

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The Music of U2 performed by Flora McGill & Electron Love Theory with Eden Sky & Ezra Sandzer-Bell in Seattle, Wa

U2 were supposed to be playing in the same neighborhood as Theater Off Jackson that night but Bono broke his back on May 27th, their show at Qwest Field was postponed, and this show made a lot less sense than it would have, had the streets been full of U2 fans. Flora McGill performed great jazz versions of U2’s hits. Eden Sky Skyped in with a question about “natural” time. Ezra Sandzer-Bell offered a Tone Color Alchemy interpretation of U2’s “Vertigo”, and Emmett Montgomery kept us all guessing whether or not he was serious. For the record, he is.

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Bleu, Andy Dick & Barbara Holm in Seattle, WA

Bleu has a reputation as a pop wizard. He joins Radio8Ball for a show on a southwestern themed set at Theater Off Jackson with Andy Dick Skypeing in from a good place, and the adorably acerbic Barbara Holm as our welcoming comedian.


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Dan Bern, John C. Reilly & Derek Sheen in Seattle, WA

Dan Bern wrote most of the best songs for the film “Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story”, which starred John C. Reilly. Having them both on Radio8Ball at Theater Off Jackson is a perfect example of the kind of booking synergy we aspire to on Radio8Ball.

Comedian Derek Sheen wasn’t bad either.

And filmmakers Jake Kotze & Jim Sanders created a mind-blowing sync film, “Hey Zeus”, exploring the synchronicities in John C. Reilly’s films to introduce his arrival.
John C. Reilly’s question for The Pop Oracle was, “Do our dead relatives see us?”

The answer, “Let Me Die With My Trumpet In My Hand”, came from Dan Bern’s backing group, Common Rotation, which was not at all how we would have planned it, but it was a perfect answer nonetheless.

It was great. We filmed it and recorded it but somehow we ended up with none of it. We hope it’s all out there somewhere.

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Twig Palace, Seth Green & Emmett Montgomery in Seattle, WA

In what has become of one of the most watched video segments in the show’s history, for the spring equinox of 2010, we were joined by Seth Green and Olympia’s Twig Palace at Theater Off Jackson. Surreal Seattle-ite Emmett Montgomery opened the show with his comedy, and Jake Kotze contributed a Sync Video exploring Seth’s sync web.

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