Best of R8B on 1150AM from September 13th, 2007 with musical guest Jon Auer

Jon Auer of The Posies returned to Radio8Ball on September 13, 2007 for a series of questions from some of our favorite guests from other shows, including songwriters Scott Taylor, Willie Wisely, Mike Ruekberg, and Robyn Lynn Thoren. Willie, Mike and Robyn are all from Minneapolis and you’ll notice a Minnesotan theme running through this show. Funny how that works.

Here’s the setlist:

1. Lady Sweet
2. Dream All Day
3. Four Letter Word
4. Swinging Party
5. Wicked World

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Andras Jones & The Mona Reels
“Drink Up (Tomorrow We’re Through)”
10 of Swords (Ruin)

67-10 of Swords

The Ruin of the 10 of Swords is brought to us by Andras Jones
with “Drink Up (Tomorrow We’re Through)”.

This song was written by Andras Jones for Willie Wisely on March 20th, 2003,
the day the US began bombing Iraq for the second time.

This demo was recorded in Olympia in April of the same year
with Peter David Connelly (The Bangs, The Mona Reels),
Jon Merithew (The Noses, C Average),
& Chad Austinson (The Previous, Sandman).

Then Willie Wisely turned it into this.

Please share your question and interpretation below.

Willie Wisely
Ace of Wands

38-Ace of Wands

Willie Wisely embodies The Ace of Fire with “Go!”
recorded in Minneapolis, Minnesota
with John Fields & Mike Ruekberg

Willie and Andras have collaborated on numerous songs and projects
including Wisely’s songs ”
Vanilla“,  “Joke”&  “Drink Up”
as well as the Andy Dick CD The Darkest Day of The Year


and Shmushkin’s Total Fucking Bullshit

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“Christmas Cunnilingus”
Knight of Cups

26-Knight of Cups

26-Shmushkin Cover
Andy Shmushkin embodies The Knight of Cups
in this devotional song written
for his never-released National Lampoon album
Total Fucking Bullshit.

Written by Andras Jones & Andy Shmushkin
Produced by Andras Jones & Willie Wisely

Andy Shmushkin on acoustic guitar and vocals
Anya Marina on backing vocals
Willie Wisely on everything else

Video directed by Shawn Geer.
Featuring Anya Marina, Ric Borelli, David Ury, Craig “X” Rubin and illustrious others.

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Andy Dick
“Good Luck With That”
The Devil

15-The Devil

The Devil is a very misunderstood card.

He represents masculine procreative energy
and a wicked sense of humor.

Andy Dick is our personal Devil card,
a man whose phallic nature is reflected in his name…
and his life.

This is a song he wrote with Andras Jones about seducing “straight” men in bathrooms.



From Andras Jones:

I met Andy in 1988 through Anthony Rapp with whom I had just worked on the film “Far From Home”. They knew each other from Chicago.

Andy was living in an apartment near the Scientology center in LA with his young wife and child. When they moved back to Chicago he stayed on my couch for months.

I was in the original Circus of Freaks with Anthony, Andy & Dino Stamatopoulos.

One of my proudest moments.



Over the years Andy’s has ripped me off,
claimed credit for my work,
publicly insulted me,
and physically abused me.

I still consider him one of my best friends.

Such is The Devil’s talent.


Writing “with” Andy Dick pretty much meant following him around with a guitar
and turning his daily devolution from morning health freak to afternoon wino to nocturnal erotic pac man,
into “writing sessions”.

These sessions yielded songs I would later record at Willie Wisely’s studio in Laurel Canyon.

Andy would come in once the song was done, and sing on these tracks.

At his best, which is rarely, Andy is a comic genius.
I call him the “comic monster”.

He is also one of the most expressive pure rock singers I’ve ever worked with.

Writing with Andy in Hollywood
felt like working with the guy Jim Morrison wished he could get away with being,
in the same neighborhood.

Most of these songs ended up on Andy’s CD “The Darkest Day of The Year
or in his feature film directorial debut “Danny Roane: First Time Director“.

Despite writing the songs, co-producing the tracks, and lining up most of the musicians, I was never credited.

This is what happens when you work for The Devil…

…you get fucked.

If you’re lucky (and I was) you enjoy every minute of it.

Dick&TheBitchesOnCorolla-530647From left to right: Adam Carolla (and the Bitches of The Century)
Mike Ruekberg, Ryan Dapple-Perez, Lisa Jenio, Andy Dick, Andras Jones & Willie Wisely

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