The Grays
“Everybody’s World”



The Grays are the Art card of this Pop Oracle.

They were a brief cauldron of alchemy
named after Whitley Strieber’s aliens.

A bell rung but once,
yet almost perfectly.

Jon Brion connects to…

Jason Falkner connects to…

Buddy Judge connects to…


Dan McCarroll connects to…

Breathe deep on this one.

Please share your question and interpretation below.

One Comment

  1. My question: “What’s the nature of the September 2015 predictions regarding a massive X wave of high frequency cosmic energies?”

    While I feel suspect of any prediction of “rapture” or the “chosen” being saved while the rest are left, these predictions are interesting to me. Is that because I sense some truth, or perhaps because I am unconsciously attracted toward the idea of being “superior” “In the know” “more evolved” and this am playing another part in separation and suffering? What is that element of consciousness that wants to be separate, better, chosen, different from the “poor masses”, those “other” people, over there?

    Then again, maybe it’s all right on track. 😉

    In addition, this song seems to me a re-interpretation of the Beatles’ 1968 “Rain”:
    Can you hear me that when it rains and shines
    (When it rains and shines)
    It’s just a state of mind?
    (When it rains and shines)

    Perhaps the echo of a reminder to stay centered in the midst of the potentially tumultuous turn that the end of September may take…

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