Andras Jones
“Three Day Weekend”
7 of Wands (Valour)

44-7 of Wands

Andras Jones brings us the valiant “Three Day Weekend”
as our 7 of Wands.

This Labor Day song was recorded by Andras in Lawrence, Kansas for his 2000 CD A Curmudgeon For All Seasons.
It features The Previous rhythm section of Colin Mahoney and Brian Schey.

Dedicated to my grandfather, Louis D. Smullin
– Andras Jones

Please share your question and interpretation below.


  1. I asked if I would find success as a fiction writer, and the song Three Day Weekend from the album “A Curmudgeon For All Seasons” came up. The “Keep on swimmin upstream” struck me, as in, keep perservering, don’t give up on the dream.

  2. Andras, hey, I’m a friend of Clay’s. We met a few times in Venice back in the day, with you and Marshall, etc. I just wanted you to know that the first time I heard you I knew you were hugely talented and soulful and creative. Every time I am reminded of your music, usually by something Clay posts, I remember fondly how amazing you (and Mr. Jones and the Previous–Hey Marshall!) were live. I hope you are well, and are continuing to make music and be creative. I live in Paris now, many miles away from you, but your music still moves me. Thanks.

  3. Thank you Jay. I’m really happy the music still serves you.

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