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  1. Did I spook the synchromystics?

    I have felt both incredible joy and epic failure in my years long internet interactions with Jake Kotze, Jim Sanders and many of the great synchromystics. Sync was the language I had been looking for my whole life to voice my immense epiphanies and boundless confusion. I came across it at such a pivotal point and took great solace in the fact that someone else out there knew of what I had dubbed “Divine Coincidence”. Then, years later, I got on Instagram and crossed paths with Seallion on a much more immediate level.

    I was proud of how well I cold keep up with the flow and how the syncs in my life bled over to theirs and vice versa, but I often felt like I was just “keeping up” and not “letting go”. I always felt like a kid brother tagging along, such an epic poser, such an outsider. Maybe because I literally was, living miles and years away from a bunch of strangers living their own lives with their own friends, speaking their own language and fulfilling their own destinies. I often have to tell myself, “These people aren’t your real friends, just be grateful that they ever commented on any pictures you posted and just take the lessons they preach to heart. This might be all you get.”

    One of the best compliments I have ever received was from Jim Sanders who said, “You have eyes that see.”

    When I was the social media intern for The World Speed Project last spring, I used that account as a mask to interact with the sync community in an immensely magical way that changed the course of my life and might have even saved it. The love I poured into it was real and seeing how excited they all got really proved to me the power of that time was palpable. But, I fear that maybe they sensed they had been fooled, which was the exact spirit I was channeling, but the booze I was soaked in might have kept my intentions too vague. I think they lost a lot of respect for me. The momentum I stirred up carried the bus over the gap, but when we landed I got off at the next stop and let it drive away.

    I left Instagram for a long while, trudged through my extended, drunken return of Saturn and have since come back from the brink. I still cultivate great syncs, post meaningful but mysterious pictures on Instagram and have begun trying to interact with Seallion again on a very small scale, but his responses are curt and he doesn’t comment on my pictures anymore. Yet…he does like them. I am humbled by that and accept that this is all I get.

    It’s mostly all in my head, but my heart really is so broken about it. But it’s my own fault for not having my own friends, my own language and feeling like I’m fulfilling my own destiny. I know this crazy life isn’t over yet, not by a long shot, but I don’t know if I’ll ever earn the respect of the great philosophers of my time, the Synchromystics. I’m not sure they’d ever want me to come be in an Ayahuasca ceremony with them. I don’t think we’ll ever be friends, even though they have been right beside me through all these bizarre years, helping me so so so much. My cup truly is full, I just really want to share it with someone.

    Thank You for your song/tarot card and Thank You for listening.

    @tylerjohnsmith on Instagram

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