Did R8B sync with Patricia Arquette’s “Boyhood” triumph back 2010?

Australian blogger Darren Broo has noticed an interesting synchronicity between Patricia Arquette’s recent win at the Golden Globes for her portrayal of a single mother in Richard Linklater’s “Boyhood” and an answer she received when she appeared on Radio8Ball in 2010 with The Janks. The song was “When I Was A Kid” and the interpretation delved into the discussion of projects that take a long time to bring to fruition.

You can read Darren Broo’s blog here.

This is an example of one of the key aspects of a Radio8Ball TV show; the value of time and context. You never know how the future will unfold but in my experience The Pop Oracle is usually in sync with our trajectory in ways that are only revealed over time.

Congratulations to Patricia who is growing into one of the great mature actresses of her generation.

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